Title loans are a way for people to get cash quickly with little to no credit requirements. Typically, borrowers loan their car title in exchange for a certain amount of money but can keep using their vehicle during the duration of the loan. This type of transaction is legal in California, but official lenders like Quick Title Loans must be licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI). So how do California title loans work?
California Title Loan Application
During the application process at Quick Title Loans, the borrower will be required to provide all relevant paperwork including:
- Original title (lien release acceptable)
- Car registration
- Proof of insurance – full coverage
- Identification
- Proof of residence (current utility bill)
- Four references (family and friends)
To qualify for a title loan in California, borrowers must have full ownership of their vehicle, meaning the title must be under your name. However, at Quick Title Loans we can offer you a loan if more than one name is on your car title or if you have lost or misplaced your vehicle’s title. Your credit will also not be checked when applying, the qualification is only based on your car.
California Title Loan Amount
The minimum title loan amount you can receive in California is $2,500. The loan amount you receive will be determined by the appraised value of your vehicle. In many cases, lenders will evaluate the make and model, and inspect the condition of your car.
California Title Loan Terms
Once you have qualified for your loan, you will still be able to use your vehicle. The lender will simply be added to the car title as a Lien Holder. But be careful, interest rates for California title loans can sometimes exceed 100% and some lenders charge pesky early and late fees, so make sure you can fully pay the loan back within the designated time frame. At Quick Title Loans, there are no prepayment fees for paying back your loan early. Most of our loans last between 12-36 months and you will be making monthly payments.
Get Quick Title Loans in Los Angeles, CA
Always exercise caution when considering a title loan in California or any other state, as they can be expensive and carry the risk of losing your vehicle if you cannot repay the loan. Make sure you understand the loan agreement thoroughly and consider other financial options before pursuing a title loan.
If you need cash now and struggle with poor credit, applying for a car title loan may be your best option. At Quick Title Loans, our entire process can take less than 30 minutes. We don’t just accept cars, bring in any vehicle including boats, RV’s, and more. Based in South Gate, we serve almost all of Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. Give us a call today at (844) 422-7676 to apply or apply online here.